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Is Marketing Automation Right For Your Business ?

How many of you have ever felt like your marketing budget is going down the drain? It’s a familiar feeling among marketers and the C-suite, and it’s not hard to understand why. Most businesses spend their marketing dollars on data collection and management tools, but they still aren’t getting the results they want.

It’s time to take a step back and re-evaluate. Marketing automation can help you to build customer relationships and improve marketing ROI.

It promises to:

-Improve customer engagement through personalized outreach.

-Increase revenue by targeting the right customers at the right time with the right message.

-Reduce customer churn by reducing customer support costs through proactive engagement.

There are plenty of benefits to using marketing automation: it helps you better understand your customers’ needs, gives you more control over your messaging across different platforms, increases efficiency by automating repetitive tasks like sending out newsletters or responding to customer requests for information (like price quotes), and allows employees with more specialized skill sets (like Marketing Heads) to focus on what they do best instead of having to do everything themselves!

But what does this mean for your business? The reason so many companies are struggling with marketing automation is because they don’t know how to leverage it correctly. Did you know that 75% of MarTech budgets are wasted because of bad data?

Why does this happen? 

First, it’s much work. You need to build your data structure and then figure out how to use the tools that come with marketing automation platforms. It takes time, dedication, and patience—but you can do it!

Second, it’s easy to waste money on bad data. Most marketers don’t understand what makes their data valuable or how they can use it effectively as part of their broader strategy. This can lead to all kinds of problems down the road as you try to measure success in terms of leads or sales generated by your efforts—because you won’t have any way of knowing if what you’re measuring is meaningful.

Third, there are many options—too many for most marketers to keep track of them all. Finding the right automation platform for your needs can be overwhelming.

If you’re not sure how you can use marketing automation to improve your business and customer satisfaction, here are some ways you might want to consider.

  1. Use it to make sure your customers are getting the support they need. A well-designed automated email sequence can include tutorials that walk new customers through signing up for their product or service and tips on how to make the most out of it.
  2. Automate your sales emails so that prospects receive the information they need when they need it most. When prospects are ready to buy, they want to know what’s required and how much it will cost. By automating this process, you can save time and money by ensuring all of your sales messages are consistent across channels.
  3. Use automation to engage customers who’ve already converted into paying users by sending them special offers and discounts based on their buying history and frequency of engagement with your brand (e.g., monthly newsletters). The more engaged customers feel with what you offer, the more likely they’ll repeat.
  4. Send automated surveys after each purchase, asking for feedback on the product or service they received from your company. This will help you learn what’s working well, what needs improvement, and where you need to focus your energy next time around.

Marketing automation is expected to grow by more than $4B over the next five years. This means that there is an opportunity for your business to step up and make better decisions about your campaigns and drive results. 

At Allign Marketing, we have the platform and the team to help your business collect, organize, and analyze data in real-time so you can make targeted decisions about how to spend the marketing dollars. Our goal is to help clients like you get the most out of their marketing efforts by making sure they are spending on the proper channels for their goals.

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